Self-Test for Substance Abuse

Addiction Quiz

Self-Test for Substance Abuse
Drug Abuse Screen Test – DAST-10

The Drug Abuse Screen Test, also called DAST-10, is a ten-item, yes/no self-report inventory. It takes less than eight minutes to complete and can be used by both adults and older youths.

In the test, “drug abuse” refers to the use of prescribed or over-the-counter drugs in excess of directions, as well as to non-medical use of drugs. Various classes of drugs may include cannabis, solvents, tranquilizers, barbiturates, cocaine, stimulants, hallucinogens, or narcotics like heroin. These questions do not include alcoholic beverages. For a self-test about alcoholism, please refer to our site’s AUDIT page.

In the past 12 months

Number of "Yes"

Yes: 0

Scoring Your Results

The DAST-10 is graded on a spectrum. The number of yeses is directly tied to the severity of your substance use disorder, and a low score does not necessarily mean that you are free of drug-related problems, especially depending on the amount of time that you have been using drugs.

If you answered yes to 1-2 of the above, you should undergo counseling. If you answered yes to 3-5, you likely meet DSM-5 criteria for a substance use disorder and should participate in (at minimum) an intensive outpatient program.

If you answered yes to 6-8, your drug problem is substantial and requires intensive inpatient treatment. If you answered yes to 9-10 items above, your problem is categorized as severe and requires immediate clinical intervention.

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