Mission Statement

What We Stand For

We are the Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers.
We are in the business of helping people to heal their lives from the destruction of the disease of addiction.

We believe that addiction is a primary physiological illness, progressive in nature and terminal if left untreated. We know that we have solutions and that any patient who follows our treatment plan will begin to heal.

We believe that as long as an alcoholic or addict is alive, there is hope for healing. We act with the certainty that our every contact with a practicing addict may be that addict’s last, best chance at recovery, and that every crisis is an opportunity to bring an addict into recovery.

We commit ourselves, as our first priority, to the patient in treatment. Next, in the certain knowledge that we can help, we commit ourselves to finding and attracting the alcoholic and addict who still suffers. We recognize that key to our continued success are our ability to reach the addict in need and our willingness to take immediate action to help.

In both human and financial terms, we acknowledge the value of the service we provide, and we honor ourselves and our work with our sincere, unreserved assertion of that value. We understand that our opportunities to provide service and our energies to seek compensation for it are interdependent.

We know that each of our patients is at the center of a wide circle, and that within this circle are our patient’s best support in recovery and our next opportunities to provide treatment.

We constantly seek ways to improve our work and to demonstrate our empathy and respect for one another and for our patients. We recognize and celebrate effort, and we acknowledge that mistakes, as long as we are trying, are opportunities to learn. We commit to continuous improvement and growth.

Underlying all of our actions is our fundamental belief that at Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers we provide the finest addiction treatment available anywhere, that the work we do is of social and material value to our clients and the community, and that people, both those we work with and those we serve, are our greatest and most precious asset.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers is committed to being on the learning edge of DEI in our community. We endeavor to reflect this not only in our practices but in our representation of the communities we serve. We understand our responsibility to meet the needs of our staff, our patients, and our communities by providing inclusive, culturally relevant treatment services.  We demonstrate these beliefs by focusing our recruitment on communities that reflect the population we serve, continually educating both patients and staff on cultural awareness, and fostering an environment of safety and inclusivity by utilizing staff as an empathetic resource. This statement sets our intention to learn and grow. For this to have real value, it must be supported by action. We commit to measurable sustained growth, focusing on multicultural hiring, evolving our ongoing training, and welcoming dialogue on relevant, impactful topics. These actions will be monitored by our DEI committee and corporate leadership.

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(800) 544-1211