Residential Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Recovery Isn't One Size Fits All

Kirkland Intensive Inpatient Program

Our drug and alcohol treatment center in Kirkland, WA is a leading treatment center for men and women suffering from drug or alcohol dependence. If your drinking/drug use has progressed to the point that despite your best efforts, you cannot stop and bad things keep happening as a result of your addiction, you will be referred to our intensive inpatient program.

For most patients, the recommendation brings a sense of relief, for they know that they are losing the battle with their addiction. The time at inpatient is a respite from the stress, frustration, and guilt that are by-products of the untreated disease. For those who enter, it is a time of renewed hope and clarity of mind. It is a time of positive change and a new way of living.

As you are nearing the end of your inpatient program, you and your counselor will meet to plot out your early recovery needs. You will return to your life armed with all the necessary tools and a careful plan of recovery activities to sustain your sobriety.

Residential Addiction Treatment
The First Choice for Effective, Affordable Treatment

Selecting a treatment program is one of the most important decisions you can ever make. Whether you’re worried about yourself, a family member, or a co-worker, you can’t afford to take chances with addiction. Don’t wait and hope it will go away. It won’t. Call the Northwest’s leader in effective, affordable treatment, Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers: 800-544-1211.

Our nationally recognized inpatient programs tailor treatments around individual needs. Our medically supervised treatment consists of lectures and the development of an individual treatment plan incorporating counseling, nutritional & physical therapy, as well as reading assignments, 12-Step programs, and relaxation & stress-management techniques. Our grounds offer a full range of recreational facilities and patient-shared rooms with tastefully decorated interiors. Recovery unfolds in a setting which is overwhelmingly positive, respectful, and safe.

The main thrust of our inpatient program is to help patients recognize that alcoholism and addiction is a primary, progressive disease, rather than any manifestation of moral consequence, character weakness, or psychological dysfunction. We teach patients to approach their disease as a treatable condition with a high potential for recovery.

Lakeside-Milam is committed to offering effective and affordable treatment for adults and adolescents. Our free initial assessment lets you know the total treatment costs up-front. Follow-up care is arranged, and our services are covered by most major insurance carriers.

Addiction is the problem. For many, residential treatment is the answer. You can be part of the solution.

Inpatient Programs
General Program Description

Our experience shows that about 20% of people suffering from substance use disorders will only get well with inpatient treatment. Only with withdrawal management and treatment that is in a secure, nurturing, therapeutic setting can one achieve abstinence and recover. Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers provides a comfortable and safe setting in which patients can come to terms with addiction, gain confidence, and learn a new way of living.

LMRC provides effective, affordable drug and alcohol adult residential services. We are in-network with most insurance providers. Residential programs operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


LMRC was one of the first treatment facilities in the country to use diagnostic and assessment criteria published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Upon admission, patients participate in a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment. This includes, but is not limited to, a meeting with a licensed and registered nurse, a licensed addiction professional, and a licensed mental health therapist. The assessment addresses biological, psychological, and social elements of the individual’s addiction and use. It also helps our staff members create an individualized problem-oriented treatment plan to address unique needs of the patient. The customized treatment plan will guide patients throughout their treatment with Lakeside-Milam.


The inpatient program at LMRC is medically and therapeutically structured to help those suffering from alcoholism and/or addiction stop chronic drinking and drug use; and to preserve the dignity of the individual. Patients learn about the progressive and chronic nature of the disease and how it impacts every aspect of their life. Our primary intention is to help the patient recognize that alcoholism and addiction is a primary, chronic and progressive disease. It is not a moral consequence, a character weakness, or a psychological dysfunction. The disease is treatable and has a high potential for lasting recovery. Patients leave inpatient treatment with necessary skills to maintain abstinence and restructure their lives.


At Lakeside, we employ some of the best in the industry. We provide patients with a lot of “TLC,” individual, and group contact. From the beginning, we have worked with the individual’s family and their current medical providers to ensure patients have their best chance at recovery when they leave treatment.

We have medical staff on board to assist in unique needs of individuals. Our medical director, clinical director, and nurse practitioner are trained and qualified in addiction treatment. They assist our nurses in medical supervision during withdrawal management and inpatient treatment. All patients are seen by our medical director or nurse practitioner during their treatment to ensure their continued health and safety. As a person starts to stabilize during treatment, other medical issues may arise, we have trained staff that will assess issues and provide necessary care and consultation. Our medical director and nurse practitioner are licensed to assist with pain management, when necessary; and oversee any additional medical needs beyond standard treatment.

Many of our staff have first-hand knowledge and experience of how alcoholism and addiction affects lives. They are also proof that recovery can and does happen.

Treatment Plans

Our clinical and medical staff identify acute patient problems based on the following criteria: the initial assessment, complete social history, and medical examination. Individualized treatment plans are written and presented to the patient with input from our medical director, nurse practitioner, nursing and clinical staff. The plan is a blueprint for recovery of patients and families.

Each clinical staff uses the same problem-oriented system to chart the patient’s progress in treatment. All staff work as a team to adhere to the plan and discuss revisions if necessary. Patients are consulted during any revision of their treatment plan. Licensed Addiction Professionals act as the patient’s primary case manager. Other staff members serve as a multi-disciplinary treatment team.


Many patients come to treatment malnourished due to their drinking or drug use. Nutrition plays an important role in decreasing cravings and recovery. For example, alcoholics and addicts must avoid eating refined carbohydrates, which can mimic the effects of alcohol in the bloodstream.

Once our patients stabilize their sugar metabolism, they can often expect a reduction in cravings, fatigue, depression, mood swings, and nervousness. Our staff members help patients enhance the quality of sobriety by removing uncomfortable symptoms. In this way, good nutrition becomes an important tool for lasting sobriety.

Lasting Recovery

Our program is geared toward lasting recovery. We introduce patients to the 12-steps and encourage participation in Alcoholics, Narcotics, or Cocaine Anonymous meetings. Patients can also expect increased self-awareness and accountability in personal relationships. Lakeside-Milam has a highly structured milieu that is designed to help educate and empower patients to fight their disease by taking personal responsibility over their lives, and recognize addictive behaviors.

Group counseling encourages patients to express emotions, share feelings, and vent anger. Often, others have the same worries and questions, and can help one another through these feelings. All of our patients are victims of the disease of addiction and can work with their counselor and group to express themselves in a safe, confidential environment. Groups can help each other stay on track by motivating them, and providing insights while they move through treatment. Counselors help patients take initiative over their own recovery by guiding them through discussions and lessons.

Withdrawal Management

Withdrawal management is a critical part of treatment when clinically necessary. Detox alone is often very risky as it can be extremely uncomfortable and can result in medical problems or death. Our withdrawal management team consists of a full-time medical director, nurse practitioner, and 24-hour nursing staff. They are all trained and licensed to administer medications that can help with this process. Medical staff will also monitor patients and intervene, if medically necessary, to ensure the patient safely rids their body of all substances. Withdrawal management is different for everyone and can last 2-5 days. During that time, our medical staff will check vitals of patients and make sure they are as comfortable as possible.

During intake, our staff will ask general questions regarding the patient’s health. The medical director and nurse practitioner will determine if we can safely care for the individual. This is done on a case by case basis. We want to ensure each patient is well cared for and their specific needs are addressed. If our medical director and nurse practitioner determine that we are not medically staffed to treat an individual, an appropriate referral will be given at that time – before the patient is admitted.

Family Education

Addiction is a family disease. If one person is addicted, the whole family is affected. We offer focused lectures and groups designed to teach family members about the disease and how it impacts them. Our dedicated family counselors also teach families what they can do to support their loved ones recovery, and what they can do to help themselves.

Proven Addiction Treatment

Recovery is life-long. Inpatient treatment teaches the patient about the disease. They learn tools that will help them make manageable goals and take charge of their recovery. They will do this in a structured, supportive environment.

We believe the best chance for recovery after inpatient treatment is our continuing care program that is available at any of our 10 locations, located throughout western Washington. During continuing care, the patient will begin to practice the tools learned in inpatient treatment. If a person is not able to attend one of our continuing care programs, an appropriate referral will be given local to their community.

LMRC provides medical and clinical services to adults and their families. They provide care no matter race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual preference, age, or disability. LMRC provides equivalent, clearly defined sleeping quarters and bathing accommodations, taking into consideration unique gender and identity needs.

Help is Only a Phone Call Away

If you or a loved one are struggling with a substance use disorder, there is hope. Healing is possible. Addiction, like many diseases, can be managed through proper, evidence-based treatment. Since 1983, Lakeside-Milam has helped thousands of people to take their lives back. The problem is real. The time is now. Call 800-544-1211 today.

Talk to someone who understands
Talking about addiction is first step to recovery.
Talking about addiction starts to strip it of its powers.

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