Protecting Children from the Opioid Epidemic
Over 47,000 people died from overdosing on prescription opioid painkillers in 2017, many of whom were parents. When news stories focus on the toll of America’s opioid epidemic, they...
Resources and Blog Posts
Over 47,000 people died from overdosing on prescription opioid painkillers in 2017, many of whom were parents. When news stories focus on the toll of America’s opioid epidemic, they...
In addiction recovery, it’s important to keep your routine from becoming stale. Many times, you’ll see recommendations for alternative therapies: equine-assisted counseling, new approaches to individual psychotherapy, and even...
New research shows that opioids aren’t the only drug responsible for overdose deaths in America. A breaking report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzes trends...
May is Mental Health Month. How exactly do you define your mental health? Mental health refers to your cognitive (thinking), behavioral, and emotional well- being. During active alcoholism and...
Prescription drugs are responsible for the largest percentage of overdose deaths nationwide. Of the 22,400 drug overdose deaths in the US, opioid painkillers accounted for 38.2% of them. Every...
A fellowship could be any type of support group that you join in recovery. You’ve probably heard of some of the more well-known organizations, like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous,...
Your loved one may not think that they have a problem – they probably believe that their substance use is under control, and that they can stop at any...
Recovery is a lifestyle change and ongoing process where you must continually put in effort to improve every day. It’s not something with a finish line.
Substance use affects everyone in the family, not just the person under the influence. According to The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, addiction is a family disease....
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